Events are not trashed after 24hrs.

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Events are not trashed after 24hrs.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 12 months ago.

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    I have the setting to delete events checked in EO settings. But they do not get trashed and show up in the full event calender (shortcode) and in the admin event list.


    Are the events recurring? Has the last occurrence finished? It should create a cron-job to periodically check (and remove) ‘old’ events, you could use to check that the cron-job is actually scheduled to run.

    Stephen Harris

    No crons are scheduled. All weekend I’ve been setting up a couple crons of my own. Ive debug bar installed with the cron addon installed. I think I am having a problems some where as I just found out last night that EO was updated to 1.74 but my backend has lost the ability to see updates. I think I know what plugin is casing it and have contacted them. But I don’t think this is effecting EO as I have always had this option on and just relived every time I see the event list all events are still published.

    But now that I know that you add a cron I will look at your code to make sure mine is correct as I learned on WP.SE last night I am doing things wrong…I wish there was a place to have code checked that us noobs make.


    Nope, nothing wrong with the wp-cron side of things – when I updated the settings admin page, I forgot to handle the expired events option. Consequently the option doesn’t do anything… (sorry! :S).

    Will be fixed in 1.8:

    Stephen Harris
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