Event twice a day

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #10402

    I note that event-organiser doesn’t directly support an event occurring multiple times in a day, so what is the best work round to achieve this. i have an event that occurs 6 times, that is twice a day for 3 days, at 11 in the morning, and 2 in the afternoon.

    Barry Meadows

    Hi Barry,

    The only way around this is to create an event for reach time-slot. As far as event lists and calendars are concerned it won’t be immediate obvious that the two time slots are different events. However, this is problematic if you intend to sell tickets for such events as the two time slots, as far as the plug-in is concerned, are entirely independent events.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Barry,

    The only way around this is to create an event for reach time-slot. As far as event lists and calendars are concerned it won’t be immediate obvious that the two time slots are different events. However, this is problematic if you intend to sell tickets for such events as the two time slots, as far as the plug-in is concerned, are entirely independent events.

    Stephen Harris
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