Event trashing

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #24725

    Hi there,

    In the settings for the plugin, there’s an option that says:

    If selected the event will be automatically trashed 24 hours after the last occurrence finishes.

    What does this mean exactly? Is the data from the events gone forever? What happens to the events?


    The event will be ‘trashed’ means that it will not be publicly available, but all the data remains. It’s the same when you ‘trash’ a post.

    However, like trashed posts, events will (unless you’ve configured your site not to do this) permanently delete trashed events. Permanently deleted events are irretrievable.

    The bookings for such events, however, will not be effected except in that they will become ‘orphaned’ (they will be not be associated to an event).

    Stephen Harris
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