Event tickets are not appearing in frontend

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Event tickets are not appearing in frontend

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    The event organiser pro package installed on the wordpress site. I have created the events and created the tickets for that events. The event is now appearing on the frontend but the tickets are not appearing on the ticket event details page. Could you help me to resolve this issue please?


    William Scogin

    Hi William,

    This happens when there aren’t any available tickets for the event in question. This can for a number of reasons (aside from not creating any tickets):

    1. If you have designated a sale period for your ticket(s) taht there are no tickets currently on sale.
    2. The quantity of the ticket(s) is 0.
    3. When selling by date that the ticket hasn’t been assigned any dates.

    (3) is a common ‘gotcha’ and in 1.11.0 there are plans to improve the UX to avoid this problem occurring. If you are selling tickets ‘by date’, then when you create a ticket there’ll be a datepicker. This allows you to select which dates that ticket can be purchased for. By default, this is all dates of the event (highlighted in blue), however if you click ‘select none’ or deselect the dates so that the ticket isn’t sold for any of the event’s dates, then it will not appear.

    Additionally, if after creating the ticket you change the dates of the event, then unless you update the ticket’s dates, it may well be that the ticket isn’t sold for any of the event’s (new) dates, and so will not appear.

    If none of the above explains the issue, please let me know.

    Stephen Harris
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