Event Sorting in post view

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years ago.

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  • #3419

    Hi there,
    It’s awesome how fast and regularly you update this piece of code! Keep up that good work. One thing nevertheless:
    I would love to have the possibility to sort the events after date, they have been created (or maybe just to list those, which are not yet published) because as an admin with some authors it’s hard to find theses events if you have lots of events…
    Basically that’s it 🙂


    You can filter to see only future events – or are you after the ability to set a specific date range. Sounds like a good idea though…

    Stephen Harris

    Incidently – if you append &event_start_after=2013-03-01 to the admin url, that will filter the event lists – the other query variables should work too as well. :).

    Note the start/end date column will display the first date for which the range is valid.

    Stephen Harris

    Relative dates work too…

    Stephen Harris
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