Event search filter displaying no events until searched

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Event search filter displaying no events until searched

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6695

    Hey. Thanks for taking the time to develop this plugin. Has been very helpful and forcing me to look deeper into what I am doing. When I use the following code: [event_search filters=”event_category,event_venue,date”]

    It provides a search function that can be filtered via attributes. When the page is first loaded it displays all of the events until a search is undertaken. Is there a way to have it so that the event area displays no events until a category or attribute is selected ??


    Jason Crowell

    Hi Jason,

    You’re welcome 🙂 Yes you can, see this post: http://wp-event-organiser.com/forums/topic/search-form/

    Stephen Harris

    Yes thank you I managed to sort it out from that post before. Is there any way that it the filter can be already on a selected category.

    [event_search filters=”event_category,event_venue,date”] Manipulate this code somehow to have it set to display events from a chosen category. The reason being is because I have set up different pages for the different event categories. In having the Tourism events as a category, it would be good if the tourism events are already open below the search bar. I have made it so there is nothing open until the user searches but I thought I would see if it was possible this way.

    Thanks again,

    Jason Crowell

    Hi Jason,

    You can, but not as easily as simply editing the templates. The query for events, and the mark-up for the filter/search input is all done in the shortcode handler (see includes/shortcodes.php). But you can replace that handler with the following:

    add_shortcode( 'event_search' , 'my_replacement_handler' );
    function my_replacement_handler(){
      //Define you're replacement handler

    Note: the file in which you use that code must be included after the original handler is declared (its a case of ‘last one wins’). functions.php should be fine. If its in a plug-in you’ll probably want to include the above on plugins_loaded or init hook.

    The original handler is _eventorganiser_event_search_shortcode_handler(), so you’ll want to copy and modify the contents of that function.

    At the top is the following:

     $input = isset( $_REQUEST['eo_search'] ) ? $_REQUEST['eo_search'] : array();

    If $input is empty you could just set the appropriate arguments to the default query. To give you an idea of what $input should look like:

    $input = array(
        's' => '',//search term
        'event-category' => '',//event category slug
        'event-venue' => '',//event venue slug
        'event-venue' => '',//event venue slug
        'venue_query' => array(
                'key' =>'_city'
                'value' => '', //venue city
                'key' =>'_state'
                'value' => '', //venue state
                'key' =>'_country'
                'value' => '', //venue country
        'event_start_after' => '',//date / relative date
        'event_start_before' => '',//date / relative date

    (Although you could just edit the plug-in files, I don’t recommend this: when you update your changes will be lost).

    Stephen Harris
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