event overview accessable for bookees and cancelling

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question event overview accessable for bookees and cancelling

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #23543

    Hi Stephen,
    I´m a fresh user of eo-pro with no background of programming or developing.
    I´m handling the website of our local Lions Club and want to implement our clubevents and
    the possibilty to sign up using tickets.
    The Calendar is ready and the booking forms as well.
    So far , so good. I like the flexibility.

    What I can´t find so far and what I need are the following items:

    A shortcode for a page, accessable by our members, with an overview of the attendees and the booked tickets of the upcoming event or events.
    The option to cancel a booking by the member.

    I apologize in advance, if these are topics already discussed in the depths of the forum.
    I would appreciate it, if there´s a guideline for dummies for my needs.
    Regards from Germany

    Axel Toth

    Hi Axel,

    Is the aim to allow a bookees to cancel their own bookings, or for event ‘administrators’ to cancel bookings.

    For the latter, this is only possible from the bookings admin screen. For the former, you can display a list of bookings that the current (logged-in) user has made using this shortcode: http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/shortcodes/booking-history/. You can allow the user to cancel their own bookings as follows:

    [booking_history bookee_can_cancel=true]
    Stephen Harris
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