Event Organiser Stripe: Update package not available.

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Event Organiser Stripe: Update package not available.

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    wordpress tells me there is a new version of the plugin (2.1.0) but when I try to update it I get the following error:

    “An error occurred while updating Event Organiser Stripe: Update package not available.”

    Marco Abis

    Hi Marco,

    There doesn’t appear to be an issue with your license key, so it is probably just a temporary down-time of the resource. Give it another go and let me know if it continues to fail.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    thanks for replying. I’m afraid the issue has been there for several days now 🙁

    Any way to download and upgrade it manually?

    Marco Abis

    Yes, you can view your purchase history (& download items purchased) by logging in at http://wp-event-organiser.com/.

    Can you confirm that your site is registered with your key (and it’s considered valid).

    Stephen Harris

    It’s registered with the correct keys and I get no error.

    Will try and install manually after we close the registration to this new event (don’t want to screw things up now).

    Thanks again

    Marco Abis

    Absolutely, the update is only very minor, and not of any importance.

    Stephen Harris
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