Hello Stephen,
Do you know if the poster board extension works with WordPress 4.5?
I tried it in a Sandbox upgraded to 4.5.1 and it did not load the events, it showed “loading” then “load More” but none of the events appeared.
The only difference from this site and our main site was the new site was updated to WordPress 4.5.1

Hi Louise,
There are no issues as far as I’m aware (and it’s been tested against 4.5). Looking at the sandbox, I noticed there were no JavaScript errors and the ajax response and requests were as expected. So the problem lies only in adding the events to the DOM.
Digging a little dipper I noticed this:
var eventorganiser_posterboard = {
"load_more":"Load more",
"query":{"posts_per_page":10,"event_start_after":"now","event_category":"Open Meeting"}
The above are just the ‘settings’ for the shortcode. Notice the template option is empty. I believe that’s the cause.
The template is defined here by using the contents of single-event-board-item.html
(eithe rin your theme or the plug-in, if it doesn’t exist in the theme).
Is there any reason why that file might be empty, or that it is not loading? Do you have ASP tags enabled?

Stephen Harris
Hello Stephen,
I dont understand how the template file could not be found. I looked using FTP and it is in the template folder of the posterboard plugin.
The issue arose when i used the migrate facility from blogvault to test whether I could setup a sandbox version to continue developing without disturbing the main site. I migrated from a Windows server to a linux server. Do you think that changing the server style could trigger this issue?
Thanks for your help.

Hello Stephen,
I deactivated the posterboard plugin, deleted it and re-added it. All is now working fine.
Thanks for your help.

That’s very odd , but glad or is working again for you.

Stephen Harris