Event Map icons not clickable

This topic contains 19 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jon Wilson 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #12944

    Hello, I just added an Event Map, with no parameters, and I get this http://www.wildandscenicfilmfestival.org/test/ and unless I zoom in I can’t click on the icons. Also is there a way to set the height of the map? I’ve looked at this page but don’t see anything http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/shortcodes/events-map/ if there’s a better documentation page that I’m missing please let me know.
    Dave White

    Jon Wilson

    Hi Dave,

    You can use all the options from the event list and venue map shortcodes. In particular you can set the height and width of the map. You can also set the zoom (default is to “zoom to fit”). All this options are detailed on the venue map page documentation page: http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/shortcodes/venue-map/

    Stephen Harris

    HI Stephen, Thanks for replying, I tried adding a height and width and the map disappears. I used [event_map height=”560px” width=”300px”] I also tried with single quotes with the same result.

    Jon Wilson

    I installed the plugin on my development site and used the same shortcode and the map displays fine.
    On the live site http://www.wildandscenicfilmfestival.org/test/ it’s blank. I tried deactivating all the plugins except the two Event Organiser plugins and switched to Twenty Thirteen, and still the map doesn’t show. Any ideas?

    Jon Wilson

    Also WordPress 4.0 is the version

    Jon Wilson

    Hi Jon,

    Feel free to open a new thread for questions. But I briefly checked your site and I didn’t see a future event with a venue. By default the event map will only show future events, and will not display if there are no events to show (with venues). I think that maybe why the map is not showing.

    Stephen Harris

    The events aren’t very obvious just yet on the site. They only show in the sidebar http://www.wildandscenicfilmfestival.org/on-tour/

    But I created a temporary page with a regular calender just to show you what events are in there, and some definitely have venues, and are in the future: http://www.wildandscenicfilmfestival.org/temp-calendar/

    Jon Wilson

    Just a thought, but when you created the page for the event map – did you copy in the shortcode from the documentation or did you type it in manually? And did you paste it into the visual tab or the text tab.

    I ask because if you copy a shortcode from the documentation into the WordPress editor with the visual tab it keeps the styling of the original text. In particular the HTML (see text tab) may look like:

    <pre class="prettyprint prettyprinted" style="color: #444444;">
    <code><span class="pun" style="color: #666600;">[event_map</span>
    <span class="pln" style="color: #000000;"> venue</span>
    <span class="pun" style="color: #666600;">=</span>
    <span class="str" style="color: #008800;">"foobar"</span>
    <span class="pln" style="color: #000000;"> height</span>
    <span class="pun" style="color: #666600;">=</span>
    <span class="str" style="color: #008800;">"300px"</span>
    <span class="pln" style="color: #000000;"> width</span>
    <span class="pun" style="color: #666600;">=</span>
    <span class="str" style="color: #008800;">"300px"</span>
    <span class="pun" style="color: #666600;">]</span>

    Which is why the shortcode doesn’t work. When copying/pasting shortcodes from the internet you should use the text tab, or type it in manually.

    If you edit the page and use the ‘text’ tab, and don’t see something like [event_map...] but instead see something like the above, thent that’s whats happened. Otherwise, I may need to take a look myself as to what’s going on.

    Stephen Harris

    Sorry for the delay replying, I was on vacation. But I did type it in manually, and I’ve checked the text view.

    Jon Wilson

    So I’m out of ideas on how to fix this. I’ve tried it with TwentyThirteen and no other plugins activated and the problem persists. It works just fine on my local development site, so I don’t think it is something I’m doing wrong with the shortcode. So should I give up on using this for the map?

    Jon Wilson

    Hi Jon,

    Just to let you know I’ve just sent you an e-mail about this.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen, Any luck with this?

    Jon Wilson

    Yes – the problem was that the plug-in was configured to include past events. This meant the shortcode was taking the first (default is 5) few events rather than the events happening next. It just so happened none of these events had any venues, so the map did not appear.

    Simply specifying event_start_after="now" fixed the issue, as the next five events are shown (which have venues to display). I apologise that it took me a few days to look into this for you, and that something this simple wasn’t resolved sooner – it hadn’t occurred to me that including past events might be part of the problem.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for figuring that out. I think they might want to include their past events though, with this setting I’m guessing those would not get included. So would it show the map fine with past events if all the events had venues?

    Jon Wilson

    Yes, past events are fine – if the events in question had venues they would appear on the map.

    Stephen Harris
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