Event List Widget

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Meaghan 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #3629

    Hi There:

    I was wondering if there is any way to change the formatting of the event list widget so that it puts a bullet point or something before each event listing. My event names are long and the listings all seem to blend together.

    If it requires editing a template or php file, I understand the basics of copying the file and uploading it to my server so that the changes don’t get overwritten if there is an update, but I don’t actually know what to do to edit it…

    Any help would be great.



    Hi Meaghan,

    If it’s just bullet points you’re after you can edit your theme’s style.css to add bullet points to the list. Something like:

    .EO_Event_List_Widget ul{
    list-style: disc;

    should work…

    Stephen Harris

    Hm.. that doesn’t seem to work. Is there anything I can put in the template field in the actual widget area, such as:

    [list style: disc] %event_title% – %start{F jS Y}%

    I’ve already tried using:

    %event_title% – %start{F jS Y}%

    %event_title% – %start{F jS Y}%

    but they just add more space between each event listing, but no bullet point.

    Any other suggestions?


    Styling is left entirely to the theme and the plug-in doesn’t provide a way of altering it – except by editing the theme. The code I posted should work – though it may be that the theme isn’t adding the ‘EO_Event_List_Widget’ class in. Without viewing your site I can’t really tell why it isn’t working for you.

    Stephen Harris

    Makes sense. My site address is http://www.curriecom.ca.

    And actually, I do have one other question: when you click on an event it takes you to that event’s page. On this page, is shows the event name twice, once in the “intro-title” section (with the blue grey background), and again as a h2 header in the body of the page. I would really like to only have the one in the body of the page and change the one in the header to just “events”. Is this possible?



    Hi Meaghan

    Could you link to a specific event – I couldn’t find one. ‘Hello World’ is just a normal post, no?

    Looking at the event list widget, all but the first event have a bullet next to them – am I looking in the right place. (By the way, it appears only the first event in that list is inside the ul tags – so I’m not sure what is going wrong there- are you using a custom template for it? I couldn’t reproduce that bug.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi again:

    1) for the issue with the event list widget:

    The only way that I could get any bullet points to show at all (even though the first one is missing) was to just write:
    %event_title% – %start{F jS Y}%< / ul >
    and not include the < ul > at the beginning.

    If I add the < ul > at the beginning it just adds extra space between the event listings. (and I realize now that you couldn’t see the < ul > or < li > that I used in my second post to show what I had already tried.. sorry!).

    I’ve also tried:
    < li > %event_title% – %start{F jS Y}%< / li > and < ul >< li > %event_title% – %start{F jS Y}%< / li > < / ul >
    but they don’t seem to work either.
    What can I do to make this list nicer (i.e. add bullets and space between the events)?

    2) For the question about the event page template:
    Here’s a link to one of my events:

    As you will see, at the top of the page the name of the event is listed twice, like so:

    (in grey section)
    Urban Development Institute – 2013 Building Alberta Together Gala Reception
    Bringing excellence in event management to Alberta for 20 years

    (in body of page)
    Urban Development Institute – 2013 Building Alberta Together Gala Reception

    I would prefer it to say:

    (in grey section)
    Event Listing
    Bringing excellence in event management to Alberta for 20 years

    (in body of page)
    Urban Development Institute – 2013 Building Alberta Together Gala Reception

    What do I have to do/change in the single events template to make it this way?

    Thanks for all of your help!

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