when using eo_events and using a range of dates, say from 23-30/12/2014, is there a way to display them grouped by date?
something like this:
* 12:00 – item 1
* 13:00 – item 2
* 10:00 – item 4
* 16:00 – item 5
instead of:
23/12/2014 12:00 – item 1
23/12/2014 13:00 – item 2
24/12/2014 10:00 – item 4
24/12/2014 16:00 – item 5
thanks !

Rachel Druskin
Hi Rachel,
Yes there is. Todo this you would need to edit the template shortcode-event-list.php
(copy it to your theme and edit it there). I’ll leave the details to you but, the following handles the logic of ensuring events are grouped together correctly:
First, at the top of the template, set $current_date = false;
. This keeps track of the current date ‘group’ we are in. Below I’m grouping by date, but this could easily be adapted to by month or year.
The logic is fairly simple. If the current event has the same date as $current_date
, then we add the event to that group. If it is not, we end that group and start a new one. The resulting HTML is something like:
<h3> {date} </h3>
<li> {event} </li>
<li> {event} </li>
<h3> {date} </h3>
Here’s the snippet below which should go inside the while
loop. (You’ll probably want to remove the existing <ul>
& </ul>
tags from the template.
if( $current_date != eo_get_the_start('Ymd') ){
if( $current_date ){
//End previous group
echo '</ul>';
//Start new group
echo '<h3>'.eo_get_the_start('jS F Y').'</h3>';
echo '<ul>';
$current_date = eo_get_the_start('Ymd');

Stephen Harris

Stephen Harris
hi Stephen,
i copied the file to template dir with the changes you sent, but i dont see it affect the post 🙁

Rachel Druskin
another thing – how can i combine this with Placeholder Tags?
say i’m using this to display events from Dec 13 to the 24 and having myTag
[eo_events event_start_after=”2014-12-16″ event_end_before=”2014-12-24″ event_tag=”myTag”]%start{ H:i}%: %event_title% ב%event_venue% (%event_cats%)[/eo_events]

Rachel Druskin
Hi Rachel,
If you’re using the placeholders, the template is ignored, so that would explain why it is not having any affect. Unfortunately you combine the two, but you can adapt the template further.
The equivalent of
%start{ H:i}%: %event_title% ב%event_venue% (%event_cats%)
would be
"%s: %s ב %s (%s)",
eo_get_the_Start( "H:i" ),
get_the_term_list( get_the_ID(), 'event-category', '', ', ','')

Stephen Harris