Event details with 100 % width

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #35069

    We bought the plugin Event Organiser Pro in january and are now almost done with our programming. The view of the venues with the possible events are already nice:

    But the detail page of the event is only displayed on a width of around 70%. It seems that the width of the blog posts is used here. But a column (left or right) is not provided.

    You can take a look to a event-detail page:

    How can we set this to 100% width? (Out WordPress-Theme is AVADA.)

    Jochen Schwarzkopf

    Hi Jochen,

    It looks like you’ve resolved this, but for other users facing a similar problem: The plug-in by default uses the theme’s single.php template and automatically inserts the event content. If you create a single-event.php in your theme it was use that template instead, but it will not automatically insert the event template. There’s an example event-single.php template in the templates directory of the plug-in, but that is for illustrative purposes only – and won’t necessarily work for your theme.

    One option is to take a copy of a template from your theme that is close to what you want, and then add

     eo_get_template_part( 'event-meta', 'event-single' );

    where you want the event details to appear.

    Stephen Harris
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