Event De-Registration

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    Just bought the pro version of the plug-in, since the Stripe integration seemed to be a great option for our website. However, I am struggling to find an easy option for users to display the events they have registered for and being able to easily de-register, ideally followed by a confirmation email. We do organise a lot of training events for our members and would like to make it very easy for them to quickly de-register if they can’t make it. Is there such an option and if not any suggestions to implement it by maybe customising some of your page templates?


    Andreas Dannert

    Hi Andreas,

    You can use the following shortcode (and attribute) to display a list of the user’s bookings and allow them to cancel a booking:

    [booking_history bookee_can_cancel="1"]

    The only requirement is that they are logged-in when they place the booking (and obviously when viewing/cancelling their bookings).

    Stephen Harris
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