I have an event which is to be run on 3 separate days
When I select repeat event, custom, the calendar to select from shows, but only the month and day name header, the days (numbers) don’t show so I can’t pick days
Is there a problem and/or another way of doing this other than setting up 3 different events (which I really don’t want to do)

Barry Meadows
Hi Barry,
Have you tried temporarily disabling other plug-ins? Again this sounds like a plug-in conflict… Though a very odd one. If you can, what happens when you try to select a date (or at least select where you would expect to see the date). Does the date appear highlighted? If so it could simply be a styling conflict and easily fixed.
If you’d like me to take a look, feel free to shoot me an e-mail via http://wp-event-organiser.com/contact (please include your license key, and details of an admin account).

Stephen Harris
I didn’t think this could be a plugin conflict, but as per your advice I’ve gone through and identified a conflict: the ‘Page Management’ plugin by Premium Plugins. With this disabled the dates show.
So I can now allocate the three days I need to, and these show on the event, but on the booking form the calendar shows, but only the first date is available – the others don’t show!
As there are only three days it would be better as a drop down or check bix

Barry Meadows
Where you’ve created the tickets (assuming you’re booking ‘by date’, which it sounds like you are) on the event admin page, there’s a date-picker. For the ticket in question are the other two dates selected? If you’ve created the ticket before adding the additional 2 dates then its likely these dates are selected for that ticket.
Regarding the drop-down, this will be possible in 1.6, which is currently in beta.

Stephen Harris
Sorry, I don’t know what you mean
Here is the event: http://casaf.co.uk/events/event/coast-pamper-days/
you can see at the top the three days are there, but on the booking form only the first on is available
WHat am I missing?

Barry Meadows
On the event admin page, editing a ticket looks something like this:

The datepicker on the right indicates on which dates the ticket is available. ( The below example shows that a customer can buy an adult ticket for the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd or 29th December). In your case you’ll want the 15th March, 12th April and 10th May to be selected.
(On a completely unrelated note there is a bug with the ticket-picker table and the TwentyFourteen theme (the rows appear out of position), this is fixed in 1.6 (currently in beta) but in case you want to fix this yourself straight away, simply add the following:
.eo-booking-ticket-picker tbody,
.eo-booking-ticket-picker tr,
.eo-booking-ticket-picker td{
vertical-align: middle;
to your theme’s style.css
1.6 will be released later this week.

Stephen Harris
Ok, got that. Didn’t understand the need for the ticket change; I deleted the ticket I’d already set up and set up a new one for the three dates et voila!
Next point: I notice that the ‘event meta eventsingle’ with the map isn’t responsive – I expected the map to ‘slip below’ the date data on a small screen. can I achieve this?

Barry Meadows
Yes, but you’ll need to edit the default templates. (The default templates are quite limited in what they do so as to be compatible with as many themes). By suggestion would be to copy event-meta-single-event.php
to your theme and edit it (looks like you may have done this already?) and do the following:
Remove <div style="float:left;width:40%">
<div style="width:45%;float:right;">
<?php echo eo_get_venue_map(eo_get_venue(),array('width'=>'100%')); ?>
<div class="eo-event-venue-map">
<?php echo eo_get_venue_map(eo_get_venue(),array('width'=>'100%')); ?>
Style the .eo-event-meta
so that as width 40% and floats to the left, unless the screen size is below a certain width, and correspondingly .eo-event-venue-map
(to the right).
width: 100%;
@media ( min-width:600px ){
width: 40%;
float: left;
width: 40%;
(The above stylings may make it into the core of the plug-in – but the aim is for compatibility, styling on the whole is left to the themes wherever possible).

Stephen Harris
many thanks – just what I wanted

Barry Meadows