Event Cap Clarification

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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    This may seem a silly question, but I’ve looked for the answer without luck thus far.

    If I have an event that runs daily for the foreseeable future, does the cap on numbers apply to each day or the event overall?

    For example, if it’s an event that takes up to 50 people daily – does that mean my specified cap of 50 is per daily recurrence? I sure hope so.

    Also, if I do not want to cap the type of ticket (adult, concession, etc), can I just make them a higher number than the overall cap? For example, my cap for each ticket type might be 100, but my overall cap is 50 so 100 concessions could never be sold anyway.

    Hope you can help with this.



    Hi Tracey,

    If selling ‘by date’ (sounds like you are), then the cap applies to each occurrence separately.

    The aim of the ‘global’ cap is to allow you to create more tickets than there are spaces, but still prevent the event from being overbooked. For example your event may have a capacity of 50, but you might create Adult, Child and Concession tickets, each with quantity 50 – so that those 50 places can be booked with any ratio of Adult/Child/Concession tickets.

    I hope that makes sense!

    Stephen Harris
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