Event archives template layout

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 12 years ago.

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  • #3513

    Event archives template reuses id=”content” thus, duplicating the styles in most all WP themes. Is there a way to edit the html that is generated on the archives page so that the id’s don’t conflict? Or some other solution.


    Katie Roberts

    Hi Katie,

    The default archives template dictates the template for the entire page, so the id="content" shouldn’t be duplicated on that page. But you’re right, a lot of themes will use it – but hopefully for the main content of the page – and so it will style it appropriately. The template is based on TwentyTwelve/Eleven – which a lot of themes tend to use as a base.

    But obviously its not going to work with every theme – and to answer your question, yes and its very easy to keep your changes separate from the plug-in (and so avoid loosing changes with an update). See this page on editing the templates :).

    Stephen Harris
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