Errors thrown by calendar widget

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Adam Abrams 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #22875

    Hi! I’ve had EO steaming along just fine on my client’s site, but suddenly they were getting a rash of “Undefined Index” error messages on their homepage. Here’s a screen shot:

    It all seemed related to the calendar widget – when I removed that, the errors went away (but the calendar too, of course – need to get that back!)

    The calendar’s being added in a WordPress template using the following code:

    echo '<div id="homeCalendar">';
        echo do_shortcode('[eo_calendar]');
    echo '</div>';

    Their web host said something about “a PHP version mismatch”, at least that’s what was passed along to me… no clue what they mean, but might this mean anything to you? Is there a specific / minimum version of PHP required? Maybe they updated and that’s messed things up?

    Anyway, any help you can provide is most welcome!


    Adam Abrams

    Hi Adam,

    Those error messages are notices – they are the lowest level of error and do not disrupt the working of the plug-in. In this case, it’s not checking if an (optional) array key exists before trying to access it. However, unless notices are turned off (which I recommend for production sites) they will appear as you’ve seen.

    Of course, the plug-in shouldn’t produce any notices anyway, so I’ll fix this 3.1.1, but an immediate fix is to disable notices.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen! I’ve disabled notices and it’s all working fine again.

    Adam Abrams
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