ERROR: Some fields are not valid

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 2 months ago.

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    I have not been able to work out what is causing this error. Can anyone let me know what this error is and how to fix it?

    Mark Penny

    Hi Mark,

    Typically the field with the ‘invalid’ input (e.g. a non-valid e-mail address an e-mail field) should be highlighted. Is there a particular field that is causing the problem? Feel free to post a link here to the site or else include it in an e-mail here if you need me to take a look.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Mark,

    I’m having the same problem and it just started happening. When someone tries to register, I get “ERROR: Some fields are not valid” and “Please select a ticket.” There’s a highlight to show the error field, but it appears to be highlighting a hidden field. I checked my style sheet and such and can’t see anything that I might have styled to be hidden.

    It happens for all of my events, but you can try this one and see the error for yourself… Here’s a sample link:

    I tried deactivating/reactivating the plugins. I also tried disabling simple booking mode. And I created a new booking form with just the payment gateway and ticket picker.

    Nothing worked.

    Let me know if you need anything else to help.

    Joe Iadanza

    Hi Joe,

    After viewing the event you posted and one Mark e-mailed me, I believe you are affected by the same bug. The bug is with ‘selling’ free tickets and not having any gateway enabled. You shouldn’t need to, but you may find the problem is resolved if you enable the PayPal / Offline gateway. The bookee will not be redirected to PayPal because the checkout amount will be 0, and if only one gateway is enabled then the user will not be presented with a gateway choice.

    1.5.1, which will fix this issue, will be released in the next few days and you’ll be able to distribute free tickets without any gateway being enabled. Apologies for any inconvenience.

    (I didn’t get “Please select a ticket.” error though. Are you still getting that error?)

    Stephen Harris

    Hey Stephen,

    I’ve got the gateway live and it’s still not working. I’ll wait for the 1.5.1 fix.

    As for the “please select a ticket”. That was coming up on another event I had posted, but I deleted the tickets on that page and now I can’t seem to replicate it.

    I’ve got another question, but I’ll start a new topic for it.

    Thanks for your help!


    Joe Iadanza


    I have the same problem, with or without gateway in with free tickets.



    Ricardo Cifres

    Thanks Ricardo,

    I’ve since released that my suggestion wouldn’t work. But I hope to release 1.5.1 later today.

    Stephen Harris

    Just updated! It looks good and is working smooth so far!

    You da man.



    Joe Iadanza

    Great, thanks for confirming 🙂

    Stephen Harris
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