Error – Cannot enter license key in Multisite

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Error – Cannot enter license key in Multisite

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Laila 3 years ago.

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    Hi, I have a Personal license for Event Organiser Pro.
    I’ve changed my WP installation to a Multisite recently but cannot enter the Pro plugin license key anymore. When I activate the Plugin for the whole network, the license key field is displayed in the network settings. But when I enter the license key and try to save it, I get an error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context in /homepages/14/d25858521/htdocs/sv2021/wp-content/plugins/event-organiser/includes/class-eo-extension.php:291 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/14/d25858521/htdocs/sv2021/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(303): EO_Extension::save_ntw_settings(”) #1 /homepages/14/d25858521/htdocs/sv2021/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(327): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array) #2 /homepages/14/d25858521/htdocs/sv2021/wp-includes/plugin.php(470): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 /homepages/14/d25858521/htdocs/sv2021/wp-admin/network/settings.php(132): do_action(‘update_wpmu_opt…’) #4 {main} thrown in /homepages/14/d25858521/htdocs/sv2021/wp-content/plugins/event-organiser/includes/class-eo-extension.php on line 291

    I’ve bought the license on February 27, 2021, so not even the 1 year updates etc has expired. But even if, the license should still be valid, right?
    Please help!


    I’m still waiting for assistance…
    The problem unfortunately doesn’t solve itself.


    @Stephen Harris
    My license is soon going to run out… If you’re not going to solve this problem soon, I’m definitely not gonna renew the license or recommend the plugin to anyone anymore.
    This is really frustrating. Even if you’re a one-man-show it should be possible to at least answer after one month.


    Hi Laila,

    My apologies for not responding sooner to this. I’ve not been able to replicate this error, but I have issued an update to the plug-in (3.3.4), which I hope might resolve this for you.

    The license key is still valid, and this error won’t otherwise impact the operation of the plug-in.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,
    Thanks for the reply. I’ve updated the plugin, but the error still occurs.
    It does effect the operation of the plug-in, since I cannot activate the pro version anymore, meaning I cannot use any of its features.

    For the replication… Here some more details that might help:
    I previously had a normal wordpress installation, no multisite and have added the plugin there already. I created some events there, so it was already in use.
    Since I decided to add a member area on a subdomain, I switched the existing website to multisite. The created events still work, but the Event organiser Pro license key wasn’t transferred to the network settings, and as mentioned above, when I try to enter it (or save ANY settings on that page) that error occurs and nothing is saved. I’ve also uninstalled the plug-in and reinstalled it, but that didn’t help. As long as it’s not activated I can save the network settings without any problems.

    If you can tell me how to add the license string directly in the database (the field name and format used), I can try it there.


    Hi Laila,

    Even without a license key entered the plug-in should still works. The license key is tied to updates, but it doesn’t restrict the functionality of the plug-in.

    If you wanted to enter the license key directly to the database, this MySQL statement should do that (but obivously your table prefix might be different).

    INSERT INTO wp_sitemeta (meta_key,meta_value,site_id) VALUES('eventorganiser_pro_license','foo',1);

    I’ve tried to replicate this step from a fresh WordPress install:

    • Activate both Event Organiser and Event Organiser Pro
    • Create an event
    • Complete network site configuration (.htaccess rules & wp-config.php constants.)

    I subsequently tested this with both plug-ins network activated. The license key has to be re-entered after switching to multisite, but I didn’t get the error.

    The error message you are seeing occurs when a class method is statically called but contains $this which is on available in non-static methods. The latest versions of both plug-ins contain copies of the same class (but only one is loaded depending on the order in which WordPress loads the plugins) – and both are registering the callback in a non-static manner. So it’s not immediately apparent how this error could even occur.

    There are two possibilities:

    • Do you have opcache enabled? If the actual PHP code being executed is old and statically loads the method, clearing the cache should fix it.
    • Do you have any other Event Organiser plug-ins activated (other than Event Organiser and Pro)? Does disabling these fix the error?
    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,
    Thanks a lot for your answer.

    First of all: You are right, the features still worked, I just didn’t realize!
    So I want to apologize for that.

    I tried your suggestions for fixing the error (cache and plugins), but it didn’t work.
    BUT inserting it into the DB worked, so at least that’s fine 🙂

    If I ever find out what causes the error (it’s still there when I try to save the settings),
    I will let you know.

    I appreciate your help and effort very much!

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