Hi Stephen,
Me again!
In a back-end report, I’m trying to report on sales by individual ticket on an occurrence. I need to show the ticket name, price, quantity and quantity remaining (unsold).
I can get the first three numbers without a problem using eo_get_event_tickets()
, but I can’t figure out how to get the quantity remaining for an individual ticket.
I can use eo_get_remaining_tickets_count()
to return the quantity left for all tickets on an occurrence, but not an individual ticket.
Any ideas?
I’ll start having a dig in the plugin internals in parallel…

Andrew Shankie
Hi Stephen,
I answered my own question – I managed to do it using eo_get_the_occurrences_tickets()
It’s worth mentioning that the codex doesn’t have this function documented completely:
All the best,

Andrew Shankie
Thanks Andrew,
It seems the script for creating the documentation was parsing the development and build directions, hence the ‘already declared’ error. I’ll update that shortly.

Stephen Harris
Super. Nice one! Thanks Stephen.
Hope I’m not being a pain, but I feel I’m up against the coal face with some of the functionality I’m building, so I hope this stuff is useful. Probably not for your tendonitis, but there we are.

Andrew Shankie
No worries, and happy to answer any questions if documentation is lacking.

Stephen Harris