eo_fullcalendar – Headers too wide for screen

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Request A Feature eo_fullcalendar – Headers too wide for screen

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #16127

    Hi Stephen,

    I am using

    [eo_fullcalendar headerLeft='prev,next title' headerCenter='venue, category, city' headerRight='state']

    which works fine on the large screen of a PC.

    However, on a smartphone, the width of the headers is so large that the calendar gets scrunched up into the left hand one quarter width of the already small screen.

    Would it be possible to stack the headers one above the other so that they occupy much less horizontal width of the screen on a smartphone?



    David Nathan

    Hi David,

    Event Organiser 3.0.0 is brining some major improvements to the plug-in, and part of this is an update to the fullCalendar, which includes a responsive option. The calendar’s headers will stack on small devices, and optionally the calendar will switch to a list view.

    There’s no ETA on 3.0.0 yet, although most of the intended features have been completed, as there will be long beta-testing period largely because of the front-end changes it will bring.

    (So if you’re interested in Beta testing 3.0.0, just let me know!)

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for your response.

    The 3.0.0 full calendar functionality sounds just the ticket.

    Please include me as a beta tester.



    David Nathan

    Will do!

    Stephen Harris
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