eo_fullcalendar event tags

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Brian O’Neill 9 years ago.

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  • #14779

    Hi. Are event tags supported with eo_fullcalendar (i.e., just show events with a certain event tag)? It doesn’t seem to work. Thanks.

    Brian O’Neill

    Hi Brian,

    At present it only supports specifying event categories/venues. I’ll add support for event tags in the next update (of Event Organiser).

    Stephen Harris

    That would be great. Thanks!

    Brian O’Neill

    As of 2.12.0 (to be released shortly) Event Organiser will support

     [eo_fullcalendar event_tag=<tag(s)>]

    where <tag(s)> is a tag slug, or a comma-seperated list of tags.

    Stephen Harris

    Looks great. Thanks!

    Brian O’Neill

    Hi Stephen,

    The event tags don’t seem to be working now with eo_fullcalendar. Was something changed with one of the new releases?


    Brian O’Neill

    Hi Brian,

    There was a fix for the venues dropdown not filtering the calendar. It shouldn’t have affected tags. You’re running 3.0.3? What exactly is not working – the calendar is including events not in the specified tag(s)?

    Stephen Harris

    Yes, the calendar is including events not in the specified tag. See http://gcfunstuff.com/garden-city-lacrosse/

    From my developer:

    Are taxonomies (especially event-tag) supported in this shortcode?:
    [eo_fullcalendar headerLeft=’prev,next today’ headerCenter=” headerRight=’month,agendaWeek’ event_tag=’lacrosse’]

    The shortcode function seems to check for them but the ‘eo_get_event_fullcalendar’ display function seems to ignore them.

    Brian O’Neill

    Thanks Brian,

    Looks like this was broken in the 3.0.0 release. There shall be an update early next week to fix this.

    Stephen Harris

    Sounds good. Sorry we didn’t catch it in beta. We are using the plugin in a lot of places!

    Brian O’Neill

    No worries :). 3.0.4 has just been released, so this should be fixed now.

    Stephen Harris

    Looks good. Thank you!

    Brian O’Neill
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