
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rachel Druskin 10 years ago.

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  • #15295

    is there a way to sort the category dropdownlist, when displaying “Calendar Header”
    and selecting “category” for headerCenter?


    Rachel Druskin

    Unfortunately not, but it should be sorted by category name.

    There are plug-ins which allow you to specify an order for taxonomy terms (usually via drag and drop). The calendar just uses the ‘default’ order (usually alphabetical), but with those plug-ins the manual order would be used.

    I’ve not tested it, but you might want to try: https://wordpress.org/plugins/taxonomy-terms-order/ (there seem to be a few others too)

    Stephen Harris

    hi Stephen,
    i’ll look into it… thanks!


    Rachel Druskin
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