eo_events tags

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Siger Smit 10 years ago.

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  • #15415


    Is it possible to use the event list shortcode and filter events by tags? Like:
    [eo_events “event_tag=”uitgelicht” ]? I tried different variations, like tags, events, but none worked.

    And is it possible with the [eo_fullcalendar] code to filter on state? I tried to follow your blog about creating your own shortcode, but my PHP knowledge is lacking 🙁

    Thanks in advance

    Siger Smit

    Hi Siger,

    [eo_events event_tag=”uitgelicht” ] should work, please note that the " before event_tag has been removed.

    The fullCalendar can be filtered by state, please see this page.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for the quick reply! Filtering on tag works now, sorry for the ” 🙂

    The full calendar can be filtered by state, with a dropdown. I meant to restrict events, like it’s possible with specified categories, venues or events booked by the current user..

    But thanks anyway!

    Siger Smit
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