"eo_display_reoccurence" other Date Format

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question "eo_display_reoccurence" other Date Format

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  LucaWeb 12 years ago.

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    i’m using the function ” eo_display_reoccurence” in my single-event page, it works good and translate right the occurence words except the date format, always i recieve the english format (ex. “feb, 24th 2013”) instead of italian (ex. “domenica 24 febbraio 2013”), i tried found some info in forum and of course i tried to set the date format “l j F Y” as i did for other functions, but here don’t works … where do i wrong?

    thanks for help me


    That function doesn’t take a dateformat as an argument, just the event’s post ID. Its primarily intended for the admin page.

    It should translate day/month names though – even if you change the format…

    You can see the function in the source here: https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/blob/1.7.3/includes/event-organiser-event-functions.php#L609

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks for quckly answer,

    i toke a look at the source, but i’m using the function in a div in this way ” eo_display_reoccurence()”, is there a way for to force the date format?
    (sorry i’m not so good with php code).

    Thanks for help in any case!!



    in the source you show me (event-organiser-event-functions.php) i found on line 603 the date format ‘M, jS Y’ and i change it with ‘l j F Y’, in the while i solved my problem in this way also if i will must correct it each time there will be a plugin update … i can’t undestand why this date format doesn’t traslates as other formats do!

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