Eliminate Pagination

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #7513

    I understand that 1.4 will fix the pagination problem when the short code is used on a static home page. How do I eliminate pagination entirely? I would just like to show all events and all events after a search. Thank you.

    scott stafstrom

    This isn’t possible in 1.4. But the change required is small so I shall implement this for 1.4.1.

    In the meantime you can change the hardcoded-value in includes/shortcodes.php (~line 273). To get rid of pagination set posts_per_page to -1.

    From 1.4.1 you’ll be able to do this from the shortcode:

     [event_search posts_per_page="-1"]
    Stephen Harris

    Thank you Stephen. That was just what I needed. I ended up using a set value (50) because the -1 seemed to take quite a while to load. I did not know where to find that so again thank you!

    scott stafstrom

    No problem,

    If you use [event_search posts_per_page="50"] as well, you’ll be able to upgrade from 1.4 without noticing any changes to how many events are shown per page.

    Stephen Harris
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