Editor Role manage booking

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #7591

    Hi Stephen,

    I need to assign management of bookings to other users that have native WP Editor role. I have already set permissions for Editor Role within Event Organiser permission settings. (Edit Events, Publish Events, Delete Events, Edit Others’ Events, Delete Other’s Events, Read Private Events, Manage Venues, Manage Event Categories & Tags)

    There does not appear to be any options to enable/disable booking options for the Editor Role…

    How can I achieve this?




    Currently only admins (manage_options capability) can access bookings. This is is one of the things being looked at for 1.5 (either allowing any user who can edit the event, also edit its bookings, or adding further options in the ‘Permissions’ tab, for example, ‘manage_bookings’ capability).

    Stephen Harris
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