Is there any way to alter the content of the email that is sent to confirm a booking?
It currently displays something like this
Dear John Smith, Thank you for booking with Grow Again.
Your Booking Information:
Hello World Event
11th March 2014
Ticket Price Ref.
Standard £12.00 abc123
Standard £12.00 def456
Student £10.00 a1b2c3
Total £34.00
. Your booking reference is 1234
All I want to do is change the Ticket Heading on the table to something more appropriate to my site like “Booking Type”
I have ticket/booking types like
Course Only
Course + Single Room
Course + Double Room (2People)
I have changed all references on the front end by altering the appropriate template files but that bit of the email template is generated by an included function I think.

Stuart Grierson
That’s correct – the table is produced by _eventorganiser_get_booking_table_for_email()
(in includes/booking-actions.php
Perhaps it could be reworked to make it easier to over-ride, but currently the only way of editing that table is to use the eventorganiser_get_booking_table_for_email
filter. This leaves you with two options:
- Use regular expressions to change the ‘tickets’ header. This can feel a bit nasty, I agree.
- Replace the table wholesale. Which effectively means “redoing” the table but with the changes made.
As an example of (2)
function my_booking_table_for_email( $booking_table, $booking_id ){
//Either replace $booking_table or edit it using regular expression.
$total_price = eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, 'booking_amount' );
$total_qty = eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, 'ticket_quantity' );
$tickets = eo_get_booking_tickets( $booking_id );
//For example, if replacing it:...
$booking_table = sprintf(
'<table style="width:100%%;text-align:center;">
<thead style="font-weight:bold;"><tr> <th>%s</th><th> %s </th> <th>%s</th></tr></thead>
__( 'Booking Type', 'eventorganiserp' ),
__( 'Price', 'eventorganiserp' ),
__( 'Quantity', 'eventorganiserp' )
foreach ( $tickets as $ticket ) {
$booking_table .= sprintf(
'<tr> <td>%s<td> %s </td> <td>%d</td></tr>',
esc_html( $ticket->ticket_name ),
eo_format_price( $ticket->ticket_price ),
$booking_table .= apply_filters( 'eventorganiser_get_booking_table_for_email_pre_total', '', $booking_id );
$booking_table .= sprintf( '<tr> <td>%s</td><td> %s </td> <td>%d</td></tr></tbody></table>', __( 'Total' ), eo_format_price( $total_price ), $total_qty );
return $booking_table;
add_filters( 'eventorganiser_get_booking_table_for_email', 'my_booking_table_for_email', 10, 2 );

Stephen Harris