Edit Ticketpicker Markup

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #11348

    Hi Stephen,

    Could you tell me where I can edit the markup for the ticketpicker. It uses a table layout which I would like to change so that I can stack the form elements vertically and display the whole booking form in the sidebar with a shortcode and text widget.

    I assume if I place the relevant file in my theme folder I can make these changes without fear of losing them?

    If someone has asked this before apologies – just point me in the right direction.

    Paul Oaten

    There’s a template in event-organiser-pro/templates called eo-ticket-picker.php. You can edit this to suit your needs. Please note that data attributes and IDs are used by the javascript to manipulate the ticket-picker.

    To give you an idea of the mark-up: All tickets (for all dates) are printed to the document, and the appropriate tickets are hidden/shown when the user makes their selections. You can also change the ticket quantity selection from a number input to radios or checkboxes without any problems, though some alterations would be necessary:

    • Radio boxes – the name should be eventorganiser[booking][tickets] and the value the ticket ID
    • Checkboxes – the name should be eventorganiser[booking][tickets][{TICKET ID}] and the value should be 1.
    Stephen Harris
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