Duplicate event listings

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #17649

    HI Stephen! I must first apologize as you will find this question familiar, I asked it earlier, you answered, and I’ve now scoured my emails for your response but I can’t find a trace of it, now that I actually have time to act on it! Maddening, as I was saving it until I had time to work on fixing the problem. I’ve even searched both here and on WP.org. Sorry to have to re-ask but I will NOT lose your reply this time… promise!


    At certain times, I’m getting a single show appearing multiple times on my homepage. Here’s a screenshot:


    Here’s the code for my customized archive_events.php:


    I recall in your (now lost) answer, you had some suggestions about the code I was using to display “today’s events”… hopefully it’s a simple fix.

    Again, apologies for the repeat question and looking forward to your wisdom!

    Many thanks,

    Adam Abrams

    Hi Adam,

    If I recall correctly it was on the forums at wordpress.org – where it is difficult to find anything!

    The template as you have it shows the schedule start and end date (which are identical for each occurrence), so if you have an event running daily from 1st July to 5th July,it will say “Run: 1st July to 5th July”, bit it will appear for each occurrence (i.e. 5 times).

    In otherwise the event will be default appear in the list for each occurrence, but because your template is such that each occurrence looks identical, it looks like it’s ‘duplicated’.

    You either want to display the dates for that particular occurrence or you want to group occurrences (see Settings > Event Organiser > General) so that each event only appears once.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks so much Stephen! I see that I do have the “Group occurrences” option checked, as I do want shows to only appear once in search results. So I’m wondering if perhaps my method of entering shows is simply incorrect?

    What I have ended up doing (and I’m sure that at some point I thought I had a good reason for it!) is, I enter the first day for the show’s run in both the Start and End Date/Time, and set it to “All day”. Then I use the Reoccurrence option, selecting either daily or weekly, for the rest of the shows. If I can, I choose Weekly and check off the appropriate days (since many shows run, say, every Tues-Sat between two dates). Or for less-standard patterns I choose “daily”, use the Include/Exclude Occurrences “Show Dates” button, and click dates manually.

    Is there something amiss with this approach?

    Or is there something that needs to be done to my archive_events.php code?

    Again, many thanks.


    Adam Abrams

    That all sounds correct except it should be archive-event.php (not with an underscore). I dont think that is the cause.

    Can you provide a link to the site?

    Stephen Harris

    By all means! It’s


    Thanks for having a look.


    Adam Abrams

    For the benefit of others, this was found to be due to the fact that the shortcode used on that page wasn’t configured to group occurrences.

    It’s not entirely clear, but the “group occurrences” option in Settings > Event Organiser > General does not apply to widgets/shortcodes, which can be configured independently.

    Stephen Harris
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