Duplicate Event

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  bevels 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    It would be fantastic if it was possible to duplicate an event when creating a new event. When duplicating, all details and info would be copied over before publishing.

    Great plugin. Love it!

    Joel Freeborn

    I agree, duplicating events would be extremely useful as a replacement for having event recurrences with different times.

    e.g. If we can’t have the same event occur at 2pm and 5pm on the same day (or even on different days), then a quick way to clone an existing event and just change the time would certainly do.


    Hey, this will be a feature in Version 1.7. You have to create a series of an event with every occurences , even the the ones with the false time. You then have to go to Dashboard > Events > Calendar. Here You search for the occurrence with the false time. Click on it and click on break this series. And there you will have your copied event with all content copied too. You only have to change the time and include/exclude other occurrences if you need.

    This should work with the main content before 1.7 but if you have custom field s in it, will work after the (coming 1.7 update).

    Cheers, Konrad


    This doesn’t work for me unfortunately??

    When I break the series, despite the fact I have the event set to reoccur ‘once per week for 5 weeks’ I’m only left with two occurances of the event?

    Is there any other way around this.. I’d hate to be stuck plugging in 200+ events one by one!!!!!



    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by  bevels.

    Hi Bevels,

    When you say “left with two occurrences of the event” do you mean your original event only has two dates – or do you mean you end up with two ‘copies’ of your event. If the latter, that it is intended behaviour. When you ‘break’ an occurrence out of an event, the original event looses that date from its schedule and the occurrence becomes an event in its own right. Effectively you end up with two events.

    All the best,

    Stephen Harris

    Ahh.. gottcha! Thanks for the clarification Stephen. In that case it works as intended (although doesn’t serve the dersired purpose for me)

    What I thought would happen, is it would create new events for each reoccuring date once broken.

    No biggy, the ‘duplicate post’ plugin that was suggested in the other thread works perfectly for this purpose.

    Thanks for getting back to me, much appreciated.


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