Don't know what I'm doing wrong

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pzh20 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    I have a WP post on my site containing the following;

    [eo_events numberposts=”1″ event_start_after=”today] %event_content% [/eo_events]


    This should display the next event and the calendar.

    I then have 3 ‘events’, only one of which is a future event, but the oldest one is being shown.

    Also, the calendar has as a link to < < Mar May > > but nothing happens when I click either unless I right click and select open link in new window, then it works fine. (This might be something I need to configure).

    Regards Pete


    For the event list shortcode, try

        [eo_events numberposts="1" event_start_after="today"] %event_content% [/eo_events]

    (note the end "). Otherwise, try disabling all other plug-ins – as it could be a conflict with another plug-in (or theme).

    The calendar could be a jQuery issue (or – if you haven’t updated to 1.8.4 – then it could be a bug)

    Stephen Harris

    I fixed the ” and tried deactivating all the plugins I was able to (I’m running under Headway so they have some plugins I need) but still no difference.
    The ” issue made no difference and shows that the plugin pulls data from the back-end as it is showing the oldest, not the newest entry.

    As for the calendar, I cannot see why it will open the page with the correct month when I open it in a new window, but not work when I just click it.



    Sorry, I have solved the first part, I am now getting the next entry. However, the links still don’t work.

    I assume this is an ajax problem. The site is at
    Regards Pete


    Sorry, which links don’t work?

    Stephen Harris

    the month forward and back i.e < < Mar May > >


    I cannot understand, but I have just made a small change to the css li.widget_search input#searchsubmit {
    display: inline;} for another issue, and it’s started working!


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