displaying list of events by date

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Rachel Druskin 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #14063

    when enabling template, the list of event take full page display, but my template is 2 columns (one sidebar, one main).
    when disabling template, single event display is missing date and time, map etc.
    how can i show all data for single event and at the same time display list of events by day correctly in the main column (not full width)?


    Rachel Druskin

    Hi Rachel,

    This can happen when the default templates don’t match your theme’s templates. The template files themselves are easily edited. There are details here: http://docs.wp-event-organiser.com/theme-integration/, but if you need any furhter assistance, please just get in touch via this form.

    Stephen Harris

    hi Stephen,
    i will try to edit the templates and let you know if i succeeded or not 🙂

    Rachel Druskin

    hi Stephen,
    thank you so much 🙂 it worked!!!

    Rachel Druskin
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