Display public list of participants for an event

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Request A Feature Display public list of participants for an event

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #22622

    Hi, I am using Event Organisor Pro. Is there a possibility to display a public list of participants (name/city) for a certain event? I am evaluating Event Organisor to be used for Race registration. See this example from another registration website: http://www.inschrijven.nl/dln/meidoornloop.html

    Jos den Hollander

    Hi Jos,

    This is possible, by using this function: http://codex.wp-event-organiser.com/function-eo_get_bookings.html.

    However, if it’s a recurring event and you’re selling by date, then you will need to specify a the occurrence ID to retrieve the bookings for.

    You can retrieve any data stored against the booking (collected by the booking form), via:

    eo_get_booking_meta( $booking_id, 'meta_123' );

    where 123 is the ID of a booking form element.

    Stephen Harris

    Thx Steven, as I am not really a programmer I was wondering how to embed the eo_get_bookings function into my WordPress html page, assuming I am using 129 as event_id and 0 as occurence_id.


    Jos den Hollander

    Hi Jos,

    The only way you could do that is to create a shortcode:

    add_shortcode( 'myshortcode', function() {
         $bookings = eo_get_bookings( array(
              'event_id' => get_the_ID(),
              'occurrence_id' => 0,
        ) );
       if( $bookings ){
           $html = '<ul>';
           foreach( $bookings as $booking ){
             $html .= sprintf(
                 '<li> %1$s booked %2$s places for %3$s </li>',
                 eo_get_booking_meta( $booking->ID, 'bookee_display_name' ),
                 eo_get_booking_meta( $booking->ID, 'ticket_quantity' ),
                 get_the_title( eo_get_booking_meta( $booking->ID, 'event_id' ) )
           $html .= '</ul>';
        return $html;
     } );

    and then you can use [myshortcode] in the event editor.

    Stephen Harris
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