Display 'from' name in confirmation email

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Display 'from' name in confirmation email

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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    We are using the plugin to create bookings for holiday camps and everything is working well except that we would like to change the display name that our emails show when a booking confirmation is sent – I cannot see where this is set and can be changed. Any tips?


    Hi Tania,

    There’s no option for this, however they are plugins that allow you to change such details (I believe https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/ is one such plug-in – even if you don’t need/want to use SMTP, it allows you to change the “from” name.)

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you for the reply.

    I do have the SMTP plugin which has set the email from name but Event Organiser seems to be getting a field from somewhere else. Will continue looking.



    Found it – the “Site” name from WordPress …


    Hi Tania,

    I’ll take a look – maybe the plug-in is over-riding SMTP’s settings.

    Stephen Harris

    (Seems our replies are crossing 🙂 ).

    Yes, the default value is the site’s name – but I’ll take a look as to why that is over-riding the ‘from’ name you’ve chosen in WP SMTP’s settings.

    Stephen Harris
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