Display events as posts

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #6757

    Hi there

    Is it possible to have events display as posts so they inherit the layout / formatting? I’m struggling to get events to match the rest of my theme.



    Dan T

    If not, is there a shortcode for a single specific event? I could add the shortcode into the post.

    Dan T

    I purchased EO pro a few months ago but for some reason my licence is no longer valid. I’ve sent a query via the contact form. Could you update me?



    Dan T

    Hi Dan,

    By default – if you’re theme doesn’t have a single-event.php in it – the plug-in should use your theme’s single.php and append event details to the content. If your theme does contain single-event.php, that is used instead. So by creating your own single-event.php template you can ensure the event page looks identical in layout and formatting to your theme’s single.php.

    The easiest way to do this is to copy single.php to single-event.php in your theme, and then edit it to include event details (see this page see these templates for guidance:


    If you have any questions about this just ask!

    (I’ve just replied to your email about the license key issue you were having.)

    Stephen Harris

    Is there a shortcode for a single specific event?

    Dan T

    Also sorry i don’t seem to have an email re: the licence key…?

    Dan T

    Only the [eo_venue_map] shortcode. (Note, an event page doesn’t point to any particular occurrence – but rather there is only one page for all occurrences).

    I sent the email to the address registered with the license – but it just said that it seems the license key had already been registered with a website with a different IP address (same domain). (Had you recently moved the website?).

    In any case, I’ve since cleared the website linked with the key, so you should be able to use it now without any problems, but please allow for up to 24 hours for the changes to propagate through.

    Stephen Harris

    Great, the key’s working again 🙂

    Shame about the shortcode – perhaps you could help me with the issue I’m having. For some reason the event meta is appearing twice on the page:

    Is there a way to hide the event details at the top?



    Dan T

    Hi Dan,

    Does your theme have a single-event.php in it? If not, the EO will using single.php and append event details to the_content(). I can’t say without seeing your theme’s code, but it seems the_content() is being called twice.

    The best way to solve this is to create a copy of single.php ( single-event.php ) in your theme and edit it to display event details where you want them, with, for example (though not necessarily),

    <?php eo_get_template_part('event-meta','event-single'); ?>

    (You can use the provided template: event-organiser/templates/single-event.php for guidance too).

    This page has more details: http://wp-event-organiser.com/documentation/editing-the-templates/.

    If you have any questions / get stuck I’d be happy to help.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Dan,

    Not sure what happened with your post there. Maybe a gist would be better?

    But looking through it, it seemed you were trying to get content from a different post? I could see you displaying the content from that ‘page template’, but to display the content of the event you need to call the function the_content().

    Stephen Harris
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