Display date differently based on start-end date comparison

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Display date differently based on start-end date comparison

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Adam Abrams 3 years, 1 month ago.

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    I’m using this in my template to show an event’s date (thanks for your help with this recently):

    $format = "F j, Y g:i a";
    printf("%s  – %s", eo_get_the_start($format), eo_get_the_end($format));

    But… I only want to show both dates in full like this if the event is longer than a day (which means it’s a streaming film event and the dates refer to the availability period). Otherwise (for typical screenings where the start and end date are the same day), I’d like to just show the start date/time.

    I tried doing a comparison between eo_get_the_start and eo_get_the_end, but it seems I’m on the wrong track there. How can I achieve something roughly like the following?

    $format = “F j, Y g:i a”;
    if (eo_get_the_end – eo_get_the_start >1) {
    printf(“%s – %s”, eo_get_the_start($format), eo_get_the_end($format));
    } else {
    printf(“%s”, eo_get_the_start($format));

    Hope you can point me in the right direction, thanks!

    Adam Abrams

    Sorry! I found the answer right on your FAQ page, “How do I change the format of the dates displayed according to whether the event is a ‘long’ event?”.


    Adam Abrams
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