discount coded add on translation

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #17558

    Hi Stephen,

    I downloaded the extension in my customer area on your website now and it worked. I have successfully installed the extension and added the field to my booking form. Everything is working fine except 2 problems:

    I have created a german .po end .mo File from your .pot file and uploaded it – but no translations are made at all:

    I have defined the confirmation email message in my functions file – now the discount is added in my email but it is not styled neither translated.

    The code is like that:

    $booking_table = sprintf(

    <table style=”width:100%%;text-align:center;”>
    <thead style=”font-weight:bold; font-size:12px; font-family:Aria, Helvetica, sans-serif”><tr> <th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th> </tr></thead>
    __( ‘Quantity’, ‘eventorganiserp’ ),
    __( ‘Name’, ‘eventorganiserp’ ),
    __( ‘Price’, ‘eventorganiserp’ ),
    __( ‘Ref.’, ‘eventorganiserp’ )

    foreach ( $booking_tickets as $ticket ) {
        $booking_table .= sprintf(
            '&lt;tr&gt; &lt;td style="font-size:12px; font-family:Aria, Helvetica, sans-serif"&gt;%s&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td style="font-size:12px; font-family:Aria, Helvetica, sans-serif"&gt;%s&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td style="font-size:12px; font-family:Aria, Helvetica, sans-serif"&gt; %s &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt;',
            esc_html ( $ticket-&gt;ticket_quantity ),
            esc_html( $ticket-&gt;ticket_name ),
            eo_format_price( $ticket-&gt;ticket_price ),
    $booking_table .= apply_filters( 'eventorganiser_email_ticket_list_pre_total', '', $booking_id );
    $booking_table .= sprintf( '&lt;/tbody&gt;&lt;/table&gt;

    ‘, __( ‘Gesamt’, ‘eventorganiserp’ ), eo_format_price( $total_price ) );

    any chance to add the discount here and style it??

    It seems that there is something weird with the translations of eo on my site as they never seem to work 🙁

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Edith

    edith mayerhofer

    Hi again,

    sorry… but I would need this feature very soon.
    No ideas why translations are not working?


    edith mayerhofer

    Hi Edith,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

    I have created a german .po end .mo File from your .pot file and uploaded it – but no translations are made at all:

    Are these translations for discount codes? Note that each plug-in will have it’s own .pot file. Where did you uplodate the .po and .mo files and what are their filenames? Also, how did you generate the .mo file?

    I have defined the confirmation email message in my functions file – now the discount is added in my email but it is not styled neither translated.

    I think the fact that the discount row isn’t translated is related to the above, the fact that isn’t styled suggest that the above snippet you are using isn’t actually being used – I’ll be in touch in case you need help debugging this.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    did you get the answer I have sent you via email? (29.06.2015)

    Hi Stephen,

    thanks and sorry for bothering you all the time.
    There is a folder “languages” in your discount code plugin. In this folder I did find the .pot File.
    I have created the .po and .mo Files in German (see attached – maybe you can use them, too) and uploaded where the .pot file was. Maybe this was wrong…

    Regarding the styling of the discount code in the confirmation mail, I simply don´t know how to call it and where to add it exactly…
    As I told you – the discount code is in the confirmation mail but in englisch and not styled.

    Please find in the attached .zip the complete code out of my functions.php.
    Your help is very much appreciated.

    Thank you,

    edith mayerhofer

    Hi Edith,

    I’ve just replied to the e-mail you sent today. I don’t recall receiving an e-mail from you on the 29th, and I can’t find the e-mail in my inbox archives either.

    Stephen Harris
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