disable clicking event widget

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mel Fisher 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #21383


    I am displaying an agenda widget on my home page. I want to disable the view option when a user clicks an event in the widget.

    I tried the following in the code snipplet plugin:

    add_filter('eventorganiser_widget_calendar_event_link', '__return_false' );

    But it did not work? where can I find this filter?

    Thanks Mel

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by  Mel Fisher.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by  Mel Fisher.
    Mel Fisher

    That filter is for the calendar widget – there’s no such filter for the agenda widget unfortunately.

    In a later version, the agenda widget template may be able to be overridden by a theme/plugin but this woint be for a while.

    Stephen Harris


    ok thank you for the response… Can this be added as a feature? how do I or others vote for it… 🙂 It would be interesting to have the view button be more flexible with the following options:
    – disable
    – link path to a url (page etc.)

    For example: I would like the user to click view and direct them to a page or as I
    said disable it for certain events.

    Please close this topic.


    Mel Fisher

    Hi Mel,

    I’ve created a ticket here: https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/issues/340 – people are welcome to ‘+1’ it.

    Stephen Harris

    Thank you…..

    Mel Fisher
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