Different results based on whether I'm logged in to WP

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Different results based on whether I'm logged in to WP

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Brian O’Neill 10 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi. I’m seeing two different sets of events. When I’m logged into WP, the current and future event appear (correctly). When I’m not logged in. I see events that are 1-2 days old prior to the current ones. Others who are not logged in (e.g., users) also see events that are 1-2 days old. Would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks!

    Brian O’Neill

    Hi Brian,

    Where are you seeing these events? On the events page, event list shortcode / widget, event calendar shortcode? Also do you have a cache plug-in running? Typically cache plug-ins will not cache the site for an admin, but will for logged-out users, and depending on how its configured may serve cached pages with an events list on it (causing some events to appear even after the fact).

    Beyond private events, Event Organiser doesn’t distinguish between logged-in and logged-out users, so my guess at this point, is that’s probably cache related.

    Stephen Harris

    It was on the Events page and on another page with shortcode. We came to the same conclusion and switched from W3 Total Cache to WP Super Cache and now it is working fine. Strange because it was showing old events for people who never used the site (bad!). Thanks for your help!

    Brian O’Neill
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