Hi Stephen,
I could’ve sworn I’d seen this topic elsewhere but I cannot seem to find it.
We just purchased the pro license (Personal) for a multi-site and are having some trouble with the activation key on Proof.
Development version is local.dev/client
Proof is at http://client.staging.our-site.com
Live has not been pushed yet.
I thought I remember seeing that activation keys were available across dev/live and we’re hesitant to simply request a key-domain reset because we will be continuing development for some time after the site goes live.

Jump Team
It’s not generally possible to allow a 1-site license key to be used across development/staging/live sites, as development/staging sites can’t always be recognised as such. That said, they certainly not considered separate sites.
Usually, when working with development & staging sites, you will only ever be updating plug-ins on the development site, and pushing changes to the staging site and then live site. So its recommended to use the key on the development sites – the plug-in will still function on the the staging/live sites.

Stephen Harris
Apologies for the very-late reply.
Is it possible to reset the key from your end?
We had a minor delay in development, and the site is now live. Both the staging/production site say that the key we purchased earlier this year are invalid. I have removed the key from the staging site. staging.diosohio.ribbitt.com
And enabled it on the production site diosohio.org
Somehow our setups got out of whack. Thank you for your assistance.

Jump Team
And thank your for removing the key from the comment!

Jump Team