Design on detail-pages

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #10376


    everything works fine.
    Only the “detail” Pages for locations, categories e.g. looks ugly:

    The Links should be green (no blue-purple).
    And it seems, as if there lies a “big link” all over the page (directed to the start-page)?

    This would be the right design:

    Where can I change it for the other sites?


    Elke Schmidt

    Hi Elke,

    All the template files are in wp-content/event-organiser/templates. As far as I can tell the mis-colouring of the links is due to the link that wraps a large section of the page.

    There had previously been (a while back) a bug in Pro which caused the booking form to be wrapped in a link. This issue was traced back to an issue with the German translation file. I’ve tested the German translation on a test site, and I haven’t been able to replicate this bug (Event Organiser also has a fairly large German user-base, and beyond this post, nothing has been reported). Nevertheless, to rule out that issue, I’d recommend changing your WP_LANG to en_US briefly. (While I can’t replicate this issue with Event Organiser, the presence of a <a href="/"... is plausibly caused by a faulty .mo file.)

    If the problem persists when the locale is set to English, I’d recommend disabling the theme temporarily, and then each plug-in in turn to see if the problem persists. (You should also check that Event Organiser’s templates haven’t been edited)

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Stephen,

    thanks for your ansher…

    But I’ve 3 questions:
    – where should I change the wp_lang?
    – I bougt the pro-version, and now, I have installed + activated both versions. Is this ok?
    – I updated the normal version, but why wp tells me, that my keys (for Pro-Version and plugin) aren’t still valid?
    -> So, I couldnt update the pro-Version…


    Elke Schmidt

    where should I change the wp_lang?

    The WP_LANG constant is defined in your wp-config.php file.

    I bougt the pro-version, and now, I have installed + activated both versions. Is this ok?

    Yes, Pro requires the base version to be active.

    Regarding the license keys, I’ve just sent you an e-mail about that.

    Stephen Harris
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