Delete old bookings and events

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    Wat is the best way to delete old bookings and events for good (not in the recycle bin)?

    Paksha Thullner

    Hi Paksha,

    Events can be deleted automatically (there is a setting to delete ‘expired events’ in Settings > Event Organiser > General. This will delete events roughly 24 hours after their last occurrence has finished. Events will be trashed, and then automatically permanently deleted after a certain period which you can configure.

    You can also manually delete events (which trashes them), and them permanently delete them (by emptying the trash; you can do this by clicking the trash status in the events admin and clicking empty trash).

    Bookings can’t be automatically deleted. You will first need to cancel the booking. ‘cancel’ is a bit like ‘trash’ here for events. If you click the ‘cancel’ status on the booking admin then you can delete all cancelled bookings.

    Stephen Harris
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