Delete old bookings

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    How can I quickly delete old bookings? Is it possible to do this in phpmyadmin? or with another quick method? Deleting 20 at a time in the bookings administration page is taking too long.
    I have 3800+ bookings most of these I want to delete.
    I do not need to delete any events, because I reuse old events each time.



    Tony Scales

    Hi I forgot to mention I have seen the post “Delete old bookings and events” June 29, 2016.
    I assume reading the post making the change


    blockquote cite=”Events can be deleted automatically (there is a setting to delete ‘expired events’ in Settings – Event Organiser – General.”>l will also delete the events which is something I do not want to do.


    Tony Scales

    Hi Tony,

    There’s not built in feature to bulk-delete bookings apart from selecting them and cancelling them (and then deleting all cancelled bookings).

    You could delete the bookings in phpmyadmin – bookings are a post type: eo_booking, but you would want also to delete the tickets in the ticket table, along with associated data in wp_postmeta.

    Stephen Harris
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