Hi Stephen,
in my archive-event page i’d like to hide event occurences just if are “daily” occurrences, i tryied looking at “eo_delete_event_occurrences” documentation, but i’m not so good with code! Is it possible to do it? Have you some exemple of code to show me?

is for deleting dates from the database rather than not disabling them. Unfortunately it’s currently not possible to query events by their schedule.
However you can ‘group events’ – which means you only display the next occurrence of an event – rather than all of them – if that’s of any use!

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen,
yes that could be of any use, is there a function that i can insert in my archive-event.php?
I had a look and found something on the web, but i didn’t undestant to much!

In the while i solved my issue in the following way, so i share it maybe can be helpful:
for daily events i just set a different “end” event (i consider it as a single event that lasts several days), in this way the plugin don’t consider it as an event with reoccurences and i don’t need to hide occurences,
for to differentiate the date format from an one day event i used the following code:
$start_date = eo_get_the_start(‘l j F Y’);
$end_date = eo_get_the_end(‘l j F Y’);
if($start_date == $end_date){
//Event starts and ends on the same day
echo ‘This event is from ‘.eo_get_the_start(‘jS M Y g:i a’).’ until ‘.eo_get_the_end(‘g:i a’);
//Event spans multiple days
echo ‘This event is from ‘.eo_get_the_start(‘jS M Y g:i a’).’ until ‘.eo_get_the_end(‘jS M Y g:i a’);

A little help, i’m now trying to show also the message using the code above, but something is wrong, i changed the code in this way
$today = ‘today’;
$start_date = eo_get_the_start(‘l j F Y’);
$end_date = eo_get_the_end(‘l j F Y’);
if($end_date < $today){
echo ‘Event finish ‘.eo_get_the_start(‘l j F Y’).’ alle ore ‘.eo_get_the_start(‘H:i’);
}elseif($start_date == $end_date){
//Event starts and ends on the same day
echo ‘Event start ‘.eo_get_the_start(‘l j F Y’).’ alle ore ‘.eo_get_the_start(‘H:i’);
//Event spans multiple days
echo ‘Event from ‘.eo_get_the_start(‘l j F Y’).’ a ‘.eo_get_the_end(‘l j F Y’);
