Default category?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Adam Abrams 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #18404

    Hi Stephen! I’ve added some categories to my event listings, and I’d like to specify a default category for new events – similar to the option for regular WP posts under Settings –> Reading. But I don’t see anything like that under Settings –> Events. Is it possible? (As it stands right now, the first category – which gets checked by default – is a rarely used one, and I anticipate more than a few events being mistakenly assigned this category as a result.)


    Adam Abrams

    Hi Adam,

    By default, not category is selected. If you’re seeing a category pre-selected for new events, there maybe another plug-in interfering there.

    I think the solution here is a combination of this answer: and this answer:

    The taxonomy/category here is ‘event-category’.

    Stephen Harris

    My bad! Indeed, no event is automatically selected when creating a new event. Should’ve checked that, but assumed that it worked the same way as regular posts.

    Many thanks!

    Adam Abrams
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