Default calendar search listing to exclude past events

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Default calendar search listing to exclude past events

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 11 months ago.

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    Currently when you go to the calendar listings page on our site ( it only shows current and future events. I have currently unselected the “Show Past Events” box on the settings tab on the admin side for this reason. However, I would like people to be able to search past events, which is not possible. Is there something I can do to the below code on the page that generates the calendar search plugin in the first place that would enable the default results when you navigate to the page to be only current and future events, but enable the end-user to search past events?

    [event_search filters=”event_category,event_venue,date”]

    Anna Patty

    Yes, this isn’t yet mentioned in the documentation but you can pre-set the query for events using any of the query attributes supported by [eo_events]. In particular you can use the showpastevents attribute:

     [event_search showpastevents=true]
    Stephen Harris

    That doesn’t seem to be fixing the problem. I WANT the default listing when you go to the calendar page on our website to ONLY show current and future events. At the same time, I would like people to be able to SEARCH past events, which is not possible.

    How would I need to modify the below code to make this possible?

    [event_search filters=”event_category,event_venue,date”]

    Anna Patty

    You could do

    [event_search showpastevents=true event_start_after="now"]
    Stephen Harris
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