
This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Natalie Parisi 11 years ago.

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    on our site, we use the date-field in the form for asking the user for their birthday – so the pre-selected years in the datepicker from 2004-2024 doesn´t make sense. Can i change this or if not, disable the datepicker here to force the user to type in?

    Thank you very much,


    Jennifer Bichler

    Hi Jennifer,

    Users can still navigate beyond that range – jQuery’s datepicker displays +/- 10 years from the current date in the drop-down. So navigating to 2004 (for example) and the drop-down will update to reflect 1994-2014.

    But in 1.7 I’ll add an option for ‘opening’ date, to adjust the date the datepicker opens at (currently today’s date).

    Stephen Harris

    Piggybacking on this request for extended Datepicker options…

    For recurring events where users must pick a date for their booking, it would be nice to have the option of setting the calendar to the month of the first available booking. Very minor issue, but would feel a bit more intuitive for users I think.

    Thanks =)

    Natalie Parisi

    Hi Natalie,

    This is exactly what’s been done in the latest update (1.6) :). There is also an option to switch from a datepicker to a drop-down menu in cases where they are only a few, but widely spaced dates (just click the ticket picker options on the booking form customiser page to reveal the option).

    Stephen Harris

    Damn, always two steps ahead of me! That dropdown is much more suited to my events than the calendar picker. Thanks for the great new feature! =)

    Natalie Parisi
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