Date not displaying on register_taxonomy

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums General Question Date not displaying on register_taxonomy

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ESSAM 11 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #3862

    Hi Stephen,

    Great plugin!
    I am trying to use the plugin with extra taxonomies, everything is working smoothly except the the event date is not showing.

    I registered new taxonomy called it (country) assinged to cpt (event) , when displaying a list of events on the template taxonomy-country.php I could see:
    title, venue, address, thumbnail …etc but not the date nor the time, as it is showing correctly on taxonomy-event-category.php and taxonomy-event-tag.php

    Any idea what is that happening?

    Many thanks


    Yup – currently you need to set event queries to have post type ‘event’ for the plug-in to full kick in. But things are improving in 1.8 so this won’t be necessary. (See ticket, also includes work-around).

    In the next day or so I shall be pushing an update which fixes this (or makes the work-around obsolete any how) – feel free to report back if it works for you and then I’ll include it in the next update.

    Stephen Harris

    I wouldn’t think of it

    You are great, Stephen! Thanks

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